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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Around the world 25,000 people Die of hunger.

I believe that each country is responsible for their own citizens first. There are many people (even in the developed world) who are homeless, hungry, unemployed or require urgent medical attention that are missing out. It seems immoral that there are others in the same country with bank accounts and assets worth millions of dollars. There are people who have so much money they could eliminate poverty with a simple stroke of a pen, but they chose not to. A country is only as great as it's poorest citizen and if society has treated you well (to make you rich in the first place) then you OWE society to give something back - you can't take all that money with you when you die, so you should spend a share of it on worthwhile causes while you are alive.

When each country can look after their own citizens first, then we should all do whatever we can to eliminate hunger and poverty in other areas of the world. There are places without access to clean drinking water or where food and agriculture is imported from elsewhere and they are affected by diseases we have already developed medicine to prevent. If we can't help them, then eventually we will have more refugees and they will become our problem when they move here for help anyway!

A majority of governments around the world already DO provide millions of dollars in foreign aid however when governments, dictators and unscrupulous "aid" organisations take the money for themselves - it never reaches the people that need it the most. That is what we need to stop.
 by : Dave F.

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